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Know your builder is Code compliant 

Property Developers can now be held liable for defects. Contraco makes compliance and QA easier, quicker, predictable and less stressful. Know your builder and their contractors are compliant with the National Construction Code with Contraco. 


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Regulations have changed

Recently the Supreme Court ruled that a developer could be held liable for defects under the Act as a person who carried out construction work. It also said that under the Act a person could be liable for defects if they could (but did not necessarily) have control of the building works.

The time of "leaving it to the builder" is over.


As a developer, you need to know what your builder is doing. 

Contraco can get you there.


Compliance Fitness Test 

- The Developer Edition


Seven simple questions to assess if your compliance processes are up to scratch.

Testing efficiency, transparency and reporting - three areas critical to maintaining quality and your bottom line. 

Construction Workers

Not ready for a demo? 

That's OK. Stay connected and two to three times a year Contraco will share resources and tools to check your project's compliance health.

Thanks for connecting!

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